Know Your Spices - Radhuni or Ajmoda or Wild Celery Seeds

Radhuni or Ajmoda
Radhuni, known as ajmod in Hindi is native to South Asia and Indonesia, and is often confused with Ajwain or Carom seeds.
Mostly used in Bengali cuisine, Radhuni is a strong spice with smell similar to parsley and tastes like traditional celery. It is also part of the ‘panch phoron’ mixture which includes cumin seed, fenugreek seed, fennel seed, and kalonji.
A small pinch is all thats needed preferably added to oi to fill the air with an earthy aroma and a crackling sound! This mellows their sharp taste..Celery seeds have a grassy, savory, earthy, slightly bitter flavor is quite similar to radhuni. This only difference between celery seeds and radhuni is a bit of a lemony note!
Stay tuned as @elthecook explores the depth of this rare herb! Have you used Radhuni in your recipes, Comment Below!
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Radhuni, known as ajmod in Hindi is native to South Asia and Indonesia, and is often confused with Ajwain or Carom seeds.
Mostly used in Bengali cuisine, Radhuni is a strong spice with smell similar to parsley and tastes like traditional celery. It is also part of the ‘panch phoron’ mixture which includes cumin seed, fenugreek seed, fennel seed, and kalonji.
A small pinch is all thats needed preferably added to oi to fill the air with an earthy aroma and a crackling sound! This mellows their sharp taste..Celery seeds have a grassy, savory, earthy, slightly bitter flavor is quite similar to radhuni. This only difference between celery seeds and radhuni is a bit of a lemony note!
Stay tuned as @elthecook explores the depth of this rare herb! Have you used Radhuni in your recipes, Comment Below!
#radhuni #celeryseed #wildcelery #bengali #bengalifood #bengalifoods #bengalicooking #bengalis #bengaliculture #bengalifoodie #bengalinstagram #bengalirecipes #bengaliblogger #panchphoron #spiceitup #spicerack #indianfood #india_gram #spicesofindia #spice #ayurveda #spicy #instaspice #spiceofindia #rare #unknownfacts #readytocook #elthecook #indianfoodbloggers #spicelife