Know Your Spices - Coriander or Dhania

Coriander, Cilantro or Dhania is in fact one of the original ingredients in the secret formula for Coca-Cola!!! The seeds are usually added to dishes while cooking, and the leaves are added for garnish, just before serving. Interestingly, the taste of the seed & leaf is quite different from each other & cannot be swapped for each other in a recipe.
Whole, Pounded, Roasted, in spice blends, as a Powder, for #Pickling, #brewingbeer, as a flavor for sausages & breads & for its essential Oil, Coriander seeds are indeed quite a handful.
Interestingly, the flavor of the seeds changes depending on the extent to which it is pounded & flavor is hugely amplified by roasting it prior to pounding.
Coriander plants are completely edible - from root to seed. It is a Herb & a spice.
Funny, other spices are used to add more flavour, but coriander is sometimes added to tone down other spices and balance the dish.
Follow us as @elthecook explores the depth of this ‘Earthy’ spice. .
#corianderleaves #coriander #cilantro#dhaniya #spicesoftheworld
Whole, Pounded, Roasted, in spice blends, as a Powder, for #Pickling, #brewingbeer, as a flavor for sausages & breads & for its essential Oil, Coriander seeds are indeed quite a handful.
Interestingly, the flavor of the seeds changes depending on the extent to which it is pounded & flavor is hugely amplified by roasting it prior to pounding.
Coriander plants are completely edible - from root to seed. It is a Herb & a spice.
Funny, other spices are used to add more flavour, but coriander is sometimes added to tone down other spices and balance the dish.
Follow us as @elthecook explores the depth of this ‘Earthy’ spice. .
#corianderleaves #coriander #cilantro#dhaniya #spicesoftheworld