Know Your Spices - Charoli or Chironji Seeds

Charoli or Chironji Seeds
These seeds are almond flavoured and are predominantly used in India.After the hard shell is cracked, the stubby seed within is as soft as a pine nut.
The charoli seed is lentil-sized, is slightly flattened and has an almond-like flavour. Though they can be eaten and used raw they are often toasted or roasted before use, as this intensifies the flavour.
They are used in many festive sweet recipes in India. Chironji seeds are also ground into powders for thickening savory sauces and flavoring batters, and stewed into many royal kormas!
Stay tuned as @elthecook explores the depth of this spice! Have you used Charoli in your recipes, Comment Below
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These seeds are almond flavoured and are predominantly used in India.After the hard shell is cracked, the stubby seed within is as soft as a pine nut.
The charoli seed is lentil-sized, is slightly flattened and has an almond-like flavour. Though they can be eaten and used raw they are often toasted or roasted before use, as this intensifies the flavour.
They are used in many festive sweet recipes in India. Chironji seeds are also ground into powders for thickening savory sauces and flavoring batters, and stewed into many royal kormas!
Stay tuned as @elthecook explores the depth of this spice! Have you used Charoli in your recipes, Comment Below
#charoli #chironji #korma #chickenkorma #royalrecipes #spices #freshspices #indiancooking #indianfood #indianspices #curry #spices #knowyourspices #elthecook #exoticflavours #indiancurry #natural #indianmasala #indianfoodbloggers #masalabox #flavoursofindia #healthyspices #herbsandspices #spicefacts #spicesofindia #foodloversindia #indianherbs #spicesofindia #spicelife #spicelove